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Do you know what to do if your wallet is lost or stolen?

According to, in 2022, 47% of Americans experienced some sort of identity theft stemming from lost or stolen wallets, which can be frustrating—and scary! Take a deep breath and follow these step-by-step tips from Kansas City Credit Union to help keep your identity, and your money, safe.

  1. If you think you’ve lost your wallet, retrace your steps and contact any stores, restaurants, businesses, or locations where you may have left it. Double check your car and places at home where you set your purse or wallet.
  2. Make a list of everything that was in your wallet. You may not be able to remember everything but remember as much as you can.
  3. Call your bank and credit card companies. Now that you have a list of your cards, find the phone numbers of your bank and credit card companies and call them right away. They will mark any new charges as possible fraud and, depending on the situation and the bank, they will cancel your current card and send you a new one. They may also determine that entirely new accounts and cards are needed.
  4. Report your lost or stolen wallet to the major credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. They can monitor and freeze your credit to prevent anyone from opening a new account in your name.
  5. Go online and change all your passwords for online banking and credit card accounts. You can also enable two-factor authentication to improve the security of your accounts.
  6. File a Police Report. Once all your cards are canceled, if you suspect your wallet was stolen, you may want to file a police report. Some banks and credit card companies require it, especially if any fraudulent charges are made.
  7. Update Autopay. When you get your new cards, update all auto-pay accounts with the new information.
  8. Replace anything else in your wallet. You will now need to replace other important items you keep in your wallet, such as your driver’s license, social security card, other forms of ID, insurance cards, etc.
  9. Lastly, keep an eye on your credit. Fraud can damage your credit if it is not monitored and reported in a timely manner.

Even if this hasn’t happened to you, being proactive can help minimize any issues if it does. So, keep your contact information in your wallet in case it is found, don’t keep your social security card in your wallet, keep a record of the entire contents of your wallet, and look into theft protection.

In the event your wallet is lost or stolen, KCCU wants you to feel prepared. If you have any questions or concerns and to learn more about member benefits, click here to contact us now.

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