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On October 1st, 2022, Kansas City Credit Union joined many others in the community for the American Heart Association Kansas City Heart and Stroke Walk. The Walk started in the Power Light District and wound through the heart of downtown Kansas City. Kansas City Credit Union was proud to be this year’s Heart Walk Chair!

Hundred’s of people came out to walk and support this great cause. Heart Disease and Stroke are 2 of the top 5 killers in the U.S. every year! The funds raised will support projects like:

  • Up-to-the-minute research into doctors’ hands so they can better prevent and treat heart disease among patients.
  • Groundbreaking pediatric heart and stroke research that is key to saving babies’ lives.
  • Providing life-saving information that can save a life – like how to eat better, how to recognize the warning signs of heart attack, and how to talk to a doctor about critical health choices.

The AHA Walk raises awareness, as well as money, to help fund the initiatives above. This year’s event raised $342,097.90!

If you would still like to donate, or would like for information on the American Heart Association, please click here.

Check out Kansas City Credit Union at this year's event!