The world of student loans and repayment plans was confusing enough before the pandemic, the subsequent long pause, and now, what can be a seemingly chaotic restart of payments. Here…
WE LOVE OUR MEMBERS! On October 13, 2023, Kansas City Credit Union hosted our annual Member Appreciation Event! Thank you to all of our Members for coming out to help…
Congratulations to our 2nd class of Catch Success Graduates! On Wednesday, August 9th, 2023, the Kansas City Credit Union’s Catch Success Program celebrated the graduation of its second group of…
In June 2023, Kansas City Credit Union and the Linwood YMCA launched the 2nd annual summer of “Catch Success," which is part of the YMCA of Greater Kansas City's Launch…
Do you know what to do if your wallet is lost or stolen? According to, in 2022, 47% of Americans experienced some sort of identity theft stemming from lost…
Andre Sigler with the Linwood YMCA, Nicky Lopez with the Kansas City Royals, and Brandon Richardson, VP of Kansas City Credit Union 2nd Summer of Catch Success! Kansas City Credit…
Kansas City Credit Union teams up with A.B. May for Training Academy Event On February 6, 2023, the Kansas City Credit Union once again partnered with A.B. May for their…
Now that the holidays are over, it may be time to focus on debt consolidation. Let's look at some strategies for the best ways to deal with and decrease your…