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Auto Loan Savings Calculator

  1. Enter the total car price, number of years for car loan and interest rate % for your car dealer loan. Write down the amount that appears next to “Total Principal and Interest.”
  2. Enter the same total car price, same number of years for your car loan and an interest rate 1% less than your dealer’s interest rate. Write down the amount that appears next to “Total Principal and Interest.”
  3. Subtract the lower total from the higher total to determine the extra dollars you may save for yourself when you get a car loan from Kansas City Credit Union!
  4. Imagine what you can do with the savings – that’s a lot of road trips!
  5. Contact Kansas City Credit Union today to discuss your car loan with one of our friendly associates. Just call: (816) 561-5700 or provide the information in the form below and we’ll get back to you by email by the next business day!

Auto Loan Calculator
Enter a "0" (zero) for one unknown value above.

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